
More Rusty Hearts

So, still playing Rusty Hearts. Got to level 22, even. Current level cap is 30, so I expect I'll hit it soon enough. Can't wait till they update that, though. Gives me even more to look forward to.


Nother Update: Games, Knowledge, Etc.

So, a bit late on this, but my Rusty Hearts account was banned shortly after I reached level 20. I made a new account, and am working on my new character. I am level 15 now.

The reason I had been banned was because some idiot named Kentra Jones, who apparently goes to my college, and lives around here, charged PWE a total of 975 dollars with two different accounts, both obviously his. Since I logged on at the college, I managed to get banned, because their debt system did it, and until the debt is paid, I won't get my old account back. I highly doubt I'll get it back, so I made another account. I've been REALLY careful not to log on at the college, resisted the urge to play while I'm stuck up here. So meh.

I also got multiple games recently.

Bloodrayne 1 & 2
Portal 2

I've beaten all but Protoype so far, and I'm pretty happy about that.

I also now know exactly what is wrong with my left eye.

A condition in which a person's vision does not develop properly in early childhood because the eye and the brain are not working together correctly. Amblyopia, which usually affects only one eye, is also known as "lazy eye." A person with amblyopia experiences blurred vision in the affected eye. However, children often do not complain of blurred vision in the amblyopic eye because this seems normal to them. Early treatment is advisable, because if left untreated, this condition may lead to permanent vision problems. Treatment options include vision therapy exercises or prescription eyeglasses. People with amblyopia may need to wear an eye patch over their stronger eye in order to force the affected eye to function as it should.

Mine had been caused by pink eye when I was really young, or so I've been told. Honestly, I may have been destined to have Amblyopia, so the pink eye could just be an excuse, but I don't care. I now know what my problem is, and my curiosity to what exactly it is has been sated. Back to life matters!



Rusty Hearts

So, recently, I got a new game. Friday, to be exact. I downloaded and started to play Rusty Hearts. Normally, I dislike and avoid MMORPGs, but this one is different. Where normal MMOs have you click an icon for an attack, for pretty much any attack, or something, we push a button and they attack, like a Hack'N'Slash game. We can make combos, we can dodge, block, grab, etc. Yes, it does have spells, and some icon clicking, but not much, and that's why it's pretty awesome. I'm already at level 19, and I'm tearing on through the game world.

Angela caught my attention before I even cared about the game. I dunno what it was, but she caught my attention.


Those are images I've taken of Angela, in game or otherwise. I love the game in general. I've registered hours on it, and will do more.




Been a few months since my last update. TImes been passing rather quickly. No more girlfriend. No tutoring(unfortunately), but I do have classes, and my upcoming pell grant check promises to be good.

Two classes I have are about programming.

Web Design
Introduction to Programming

The latter is actually helping me create actual programs. I'm excited on what I'll be able to do in the future.

Having fun with some of my games, such as Deathmatch Classic, Minecraft, and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

I've made multiple videos for my minecraft homes and bases. A playlist can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7FAE2DB1F3E49335&feature=mh_lolz

That's all for now.


The Unwanted Break(EDITTED)

My charger has quit life this morning, thus my battery life dwindles. My relpacement charger won't be here for 5-12 days, so I am forced, no matter what, to be offline in this time period. To all who wonder, this message is for you.

The above message no longer applies. For now. I got a temporary replacement.


Change of Heart

As some of my friends know now, I have unfrozen my heart. I love now, and have a girlfriend. Ana. She holds my love, and I hold hers. It makes me quite joyful.


Oh, god. Worst Nightmare Ever.

Yeah. I literally just woke up from a nightmare. And yeah, it is the worst one in my opinion. I dreamt that my really close friend, DreadnoughtDT(also goes by Storm Silves and others) died. He knew it was coming and didn't want me to be sad. But in the nightmare, when it happened, I just felt so crushed. I know it wasn't real, but I think I now know just what it would feel like if I did lose him. ;_; I woke up crying, and I'm crying again. I'm glad he isn't dead.


The End is Here!

So, yeah, another end of the world date popped up. For today. XD I just love end of the world dates. That way I can imagine what some idiots are doing now, and how stupid they'll feel in the morning about it.

Turns out some christian dude thinks Jesus will return today just because he did some odd math with numbers. I could do that. I could make it to where I have any date! Just because I can, doesn't mean that date will be the end of the world. I mean, come on! And also, in the bible, it clearly states that man will not know the date or the time of Jesus' return, so this guy is one dumb fucker for a christian.

Gotta give him some props, though. End of the World dates are fun. :D


Feelin Good

As the title says, I'm feeling good. I've been constantly RPing. Without using Nic, too! Just yesterday, however, I had a private conversation with a friend(what it was about is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS), and had some difficulty until she left for the night. Then, just this morning, we resumed. I stopped at 10 because I just couldn't continue with it. Nothing I said seemed to help, so I thought that perhaps silence would work better. Then, at noon, lo and behold, a new message! From said friend... That my advice finally helped! It made me feel better.

I don't know what it is, but everytime I try to help a friend, no matter how long it takes, I help them. Perhaps I should be a Psychologist. But then again, why do it for money, when I do it for free to those who need it? And I can do other things! Yeah, no Psychology job for me. :P

Back to the RPs. Because of them, I've created new characters that I really enjoy using. Their diversity actually helps me RP better, for some reason. I move to an RP, I litterally slip into their personality. I hear their voice in their head as I type their speech, I see their actions as I create them, and it's amazing. I just wish it would never end. But I know, one day, it must.


Game Updates

So, got, played, and beat Darksiders recently. I kicked alot of ass in it. My only problem was when I got to the last boss. I was supposed to engage in a parrying sequence, at which point me and the boss would be grinding our swords together, trying to knock the others down to strike. I'm supposed to hit the attack button as fast as I can to win, but everytime I did it, I could never win. No matter how fast I pressed it, and I pressed it pretty damn fast, I could never beat him. It took me an hour to die against him. Then I got up this morning and took him on. I was able to beat him, but I was still a little miffed. Still, can't argue with results.

Another thing is that I've taken up Deathmatching again. Domination runs in my veins. In fact, I just got done dominating. This last match was amazing. 75 kills to 0 and less. There was alot of lava around the place, which, when if you died in, you'd lose a kill. And yes, it goes down below 0 as well. There was one guy with -34. XD It makes me feel so good when I can dominate.


Random Updates Of Life

Today, there was supposed to be a custody hearing so that my sister(Violet, the one I like) can fight for the custody of her children. It didn't really look good, terrible lawyer, the judge was biased(she was more biased to husbands lately), and the opposition has more "points" as they have more witnesses, the husband has a "support group", but it's only his mommy holding his hand and his family just sitting around him, my sister has to work very, very hard for the money she earns how, and shit like that. It didn't look good. So instead, they decided to settle out of court. It's joint custody(but in Arkansas, that's not quite what you think). The husband has custody, Violet has visiting rights. 1 weekend a month. 2 weeks every month of the summer as well. She also has to pay $30 child support each week. Assholes. It's better than what most likely would have happened in court. The husband with full custody, no visitation rights, and a shitload amount for child support.

Honestly, I want to kick their asses. The husband just does what his mom says. She wants the kids, not him. I mean, yeah, he wants the kids, but he doesn't want it like this. He's got no balls to stand up to her. He just does what she tells him to do.

On to other things:

More customizations to my PC are coming, especially since I've upgraded my hard drive now. It's now double the size it was previously. I've got Nexus Ultimate now, with three docks lining my desktop, with various icons on it. I'm gonna change the start orb soon as well. I'll be postin a pic up here as soon as it's done. I'm pretty happy that I can do this, too. I like being able to change how it looks as much as I can.

My best friend down here has a job now, workin his ass off. He doesn't seem to be albe to do much else now. His job either makes him sore, or his stupid aunt makes him take care of his neices(*cough*bitch*cough*). I really wish I could get him out of that damn house. I really do.

As for me getting a job, I've still got this crappy tutoring job at the college. I may make nine bucks an hour, but it doesn't add up to much when I don't work much. I'm lucky to get an hour or two a week. Getting a job around here is a hassle as it has either nothing I can do, or what I can do, the shifts are when my classes are up here at the college.

I just wish I could get a good job. -_-


PC Upgrades!

So recently, I've been upgrading aspects of my PC. Such as the ability to change the login screen, getting Dreamscape on this thing, plus some other graphical upgrades like the Nexus Dock for Windows 7. I took all my desktop icons and put it up there, with a few extras, and hid my desktop icons. Honestly, this Nexus Dock is amazing! Truely spectacular!

On another note, I recently got the FEAR games. FEAR, FEAR: Perseus Mandate, FEAR: Extraction Point, FEAR 2: Project Origin, and a FEAR 2 DLC. I've beaten 1 and Perseus Mandate, and I've almost beaten Extraction point. I'm almost there. On the last part now. I kick ass so hard in those games. XD


Art of Nicodemus Zamoran(My character)

So, I found someone I could pay to make an image of Nicodemus Zamoran, cheap. Honestly, I cannot wait! Finally having an actual image of Nic instead of my imagination is something I've been wanting for a long, long time. It'll be so awesome.



So after I mentioned to my friend that our characters wouldn't be liked and sales of our Destined game wouldn't be very good because of it, he bitched at me. I've had experience with real people, all who have taught me something important about the gaming industry. He, on the other hand, said that I should not believe what everyone on the net says. They didn't say they wouldn't like it. I've been reading around, figuring out alot of stuff on my own. That's where I got my main source of info. Then, a few days after mentioning it, my friend actually gets it into his skull about this. Instead of a game, he'd rather make the Destined into an anime for fun. Honestly, I think it's a big step for him. He actually realized that something like that isn't going to bring a grand life. I've had that thought on my mind, but I didn't have the heart to tell him. Now, I won't have to.


Snow. Lots of it.

I never thought I'd think this, but god damn! Working ahead actually helped me today! It never has before, but today, it did. Monday, in my COS class, I did the classwork and homework for that class period, then today's class period. Today, it snowed. College is closed. I had all my classwork done already, and it's turned in, even though we didn't have class. :D I just love it when I get lucky like that.


Some More Blogging

So, for a while, things have been good and bad. I my nokia phone charger at a friend's, and I haven't been able to get it back, I've got a bill coming up that I have no money to pay for, and all that jazz. I feel happy today, however. It's been good for a few days. I've chatted with alot of my friends and enjoyed myself. I get my classwork done so quickly, which has me having fun. I beat Dead Space 2 finally. I also thought of the perfect essay topic for me, if I actually ever needed to write one again. "Who do I want to be? Me." The thoughts behind this are that, when I was little, I always wanted to be someone else. I've even been asked who I wanted to be, and it has always been someone else. I look back on that and a new thought arises. What I wanted back then has changed now. I want to be myself. I have hundreds of reasons that I could use, I could write a long essay on it. The honest to god truth of it all is that I like being me, and no one else. I am what I am, and I am satisfied. It fills me up with happiness to think on this. I just wish I had thought of the topic sooner. lol It would have been easier to write this in one of my english classes than other things.



So, I got Dead Space last semester on my PC, and I'm just getting around to Chapter 4. Now I'm stuck at the asteroid feild. -_- I've died approximately 34 times. Yeah. That's another reason to like crosshairs instead of laser sights.

Also, for some reason, my body has been aching. Or actually, my legs. I just need some time to relax... Like that's ever gonna happen.



I fuckin hate it when my neice and nephew are over. They get into things, are loud, and annoying. Seriously. AND my neice apparently has really good ears because she can hear my music when it's turned down low, and she complains and I have to turn it down(no choice. If it was up to me, I'd say fuck off and turn it up louder.) and it's pretty hard to hear after that. I don't care if they are family. There is a difference between wanting to see them occasionally, and having them spend the weekend. A BIG difference.


Well... Stuff

Today is my 19th Birthday! Well, not so much a big deal. It's also the first day of school. Last semester, all my classes were bunched together. This semester, however, my four classes are mainly stretched out. :D I'm very happy about that. And they are all in the same class. lol And three out of four of my classes are with the same teacher. And since they are all about computers, I'm sure to have plenty of fun.

I've also been commisioned with adding credits with music to my friends youtube videos. Sure to be fun.