
Random Updates Of Life

Today, there was supposed to be a custody hearing so that my sister(Violet, the one I like) can fight for the custody of her children. It didn't really look good, terrible lawyer, the judge was biased(she was more biased to husbands lately), and the opposition has more "points" as they have more witnesses, the husband has a "support group", but it's only his mommy holding his hand and his family just sitting around him, my sister has to work very, very hard for the money she earns how, and shit like that. It didn't look good. So instead, they decided to settle out of court. It's joint custody(but in Arkansas, that's not quite what you think). The husband has custody, Violet has visiting rights. 1 weekend a month. 2 weeks every month of the summer as well. She also has to pay $30 child support each week. Assholes. It's better than what most likely would have happened in court. The husband with full custody, no visitation rights, and a shitload amount for child support.

Honestly, I want to kick their asses. The husband just does what his mom says. She wants the kids, not him. I mean, yeah, he wants the kids, but he doesn't want it like this. He's got no balls to stand up to her. He just does what she tells him to do.

On to other things:

More customizations to my PC are coming, especially since I've upgraded my hard drive now. It's now double the size it was previously. I've got Nexus Ultimate now, with three docks lining my desktop, with various icons on it. I'm gonna change the start orb soon as well. I'll be postin a pic up here as soon as it's done. I'm pretty happy that I can do this, too. I like being able to change how it looks as much as I can.

My best friend down here has a job now, workin his ass off. He doesn't seem to be albe to do much else now. His job either makes him sore, or his stupid aunt makes him take care of his neices(*cough*bitch*cough*). I really wish I could get him out of that damn house. I really do.

As for me getting a job, I've still got this crappy tutoring job at the college. I may make nine bucks an hour, but it doesn't add up to much when I don't work much. I'm lucky to get an hour or two a week. Getting a job around here is a hassle as it has either nothing I can do, or what I can do, the shifts are when my classes are up here at the college.

I just wish I could get a good job. -_-


PC Upgrades!

So recently, I've been upgrading aspects of my PC. Such as the ability to change the login screen, getting Dreamscape on this thing, plus some other graphical upgrades like the Nexus Dock for Windows 7. I took all my desktop icons and put it up there, with a few extras, and hid my desktop icons. Honestly, this Nexus Dock is amazing! Truely spectacular!

On another note, I recently got the FEAR games. FEAR, FEAR: Perseus Mandate, FEAR: Extraction Point, FEAR 2: Project Origin, and a FEAR 2 DLC. I've beaten 1 and Perseus Mandate, and I've almost beaten Extraction point. I'm almost there. On the last part now. I kick ass so hard in those games. XD